Friday, October 16, 2015

"The World As We Knew It"

By:Tina Vaughn Glover

This poem has been claimed by me Tina Vaughn Glover!!!

"The World As We knew It"

The world as we knew it has passed away all the  atomic bombs, nuclear bombs and natural disasters with  mega storm's or super storm's that swept through the nation and left a major path of destruction behind nothing like no one has ever seen before...

As we try to protect our planet earth from this manmade disasters and global warming is only leaving us all with Echoes at the end which will be this planet's atmosphere will soon break down and leave us with no oxygen and it will have such a greater impact upon us all than anyone else knows about....

As we set living our lives daily and like nothing has happened or nothing is going on our planet earth is changing....

But are we ever more wrong than we are now and not even the president of the United States or the military today can stop these manmade disasters from happening to us...

As strong storm's rolling in across this land we will not know what has hit us all and it will spread like a wildfire that even heaven can't subdued these wildfires that's a coming for us all...

As everyone knows that this country was founded upon God and now will be the time for us to rightfully choose which side will we end up on "good" or "evil" or "666" and we have seen the writing on the wall's for so long but we only push it aside from our every day lives....

As we all now we have destroyed this planet earth and we will not before long have no place to call home...

We haven't even begun yet this is the  beginning to and end for all mankind as we may know it...

We can't blame no one besides ourselves and the dead and gone away from this soon to be hellish place....

As one day you'll see the writing upon the wall's and then at that time you will actually realize it's to late we must stop and deal with our fate and no one or nothing can change these factors ahead of us besides God or Jesus Christ...

What are you'll gonna do when hell rises up from underneath us and then you'll have to take the marking of the beast and then the false Profit  appears Before you then what will you do expect for God to extend his forever loving hand to save us or you because that will not happen because we have long for gotten about him when he gave us all eternal life...

But remember that God sees you and all we do and what shall you do for goodness sake repent and get to know God before it's to late....

Our world as we knew it has long been for gotten and also passed away....

P.S. remember that God loves you and always will...Amen!!

Thank you my heavenly father for saving me amen amen and God bless America!!