Thursday, October 22, 2015

"I'm Gaga Over You Boy"

By:Tina Vaughn Glover my personal poetry

My Dearest darling well as these weeks has been amazing but it seems we're a million miles apart because we are on different time zones..

As I want to talk to you online and however else any where I can...

Because lord knows it's killing me not to hear from you and if you're alright since your job is today honey....

Yes I know that you're probably asleep but I can't seem to get you off my mind....

You're like a continuous disease and know you have infected my heart and I'm trying to fight it but I can't no longer because I'm definitely deeply in love with you oh my goodness baby I miss you...

Yes we can do all the beautiful thing's we have spoken of and join ourselves and lives to become one and build an beautiful big amazing family....

And such a living home to share our love forever more baby...

Oh can't you see how crazy and gaga over you boy...

I can't go one minute without thinking of you and that amazing beautiful smile on your handsome face...

What more can I say baby I miss you, I need you in every way...