Friday, October 16, 2015

"Google Is Like A Woman"

By:Tina Vaughn Glover

This poem has been claimed by me Tina Vaughn Glover!!!!

                              Google is like a woman because Google gives you, your answers your looking for....

          A woman is like google because we to give you our answers your looking for at the time...

              Question one is google always correct or is the woman always correct?

            Answer to this one is no google isn't always right but surly can find answer no matter if it's right or wrong...

           Answer to the women is you best know we think and know at that time we are always correct to any kinda annoying answer of your's, looking for and best agree  with us if not you will hear our "roar" and trust me you don't want that....

            Factor two is on Google you can always hit the return button and cut if off but with a woman you have to hear her voice bitching about it and they no damn cut off button for a woman...

            Well these are some good and bad about both google and a woman but at the end of the day which would you choose?

          That I would have to say I would most certainly not choose google because it would only leave you lonely and with a woman may bitch from time to time but she's always there at the end of the day to hold you in her carrying loving arm's and never leave you lonely or cold...

          Just for fun no harm intended y'all....